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Monday, 3 March 2014

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star!

I have been a very, very lazy hooker recently, so sorry for the lack of posts. (I promise to one day make it up to you, I don't know how, I don't know when, but I will find you and make it up to you)

The past few nights I have been flicking through my new book, 500 Crochet Blocks (great book) and I stumbled across the stars, as a result I have fallen in love with the easy pattern. I have previously looked at stars and bunting with stars on Pinterest, but I've always shied away from trying them for one reason or another. So Saturday, I decided to just go for it, and since then that's all I've really done.

 I love this Anchor sparkly yarn. Perfect for stars!

This little fella didn't survive :c
His little arm came off :'c

Do excuse this out of focus picture, but I really, really love it.

The book is a totally brilliant book- great for those just beginning crochet or even for those who want to learn a few more stitches and techniques. I got mine from John Lewis, £9.99, and it is worth the buy. It's not just full of blocks/squares, but as you can tell little motifs too. Each pattern has a variation of colours and other ways you can use each base pattern to create something new. 

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